Friday, June 26, 2020

Day 106~ Enough with the Guidelines

Another wake up, another day spent in the living room.  I'm in a pretty good routine now.  My living room functions on many levels:

*Coffee Shop
*Barre Studio
*Pilates Studio
*Dining room
*TV theater (currently binging Ace of Cakes and Superstore)
*Office (106 days and going strong with the blogging)

By 6:00pm JO joins me but that's when I start to despise the living room because I've spent nine hours in it, not because I don't like JO.  Good thing Denali keeps it cute in here!

Day 106 was also the day I kind of lost it with the state of affairs in our state and country.  Massachusetts is doing really well right now with the virus but I see more and more people becoming complacent.  I stopped off at the Amazon store yesterday and both employees weren't wearing masks and I passed numerous construction workers not wearing masks and even the police details weren't wearing their masks 😡. People, we do not want to become Florida! Or Arizona! Or California! Or Georgia! Or....all of those states seeing spikes right now!  I was really frustrated when I got home and that got exacerbated when the school guidelines came out. 

They were just that, guidelines.  Not rules, not regulations, just suggestions and guidelines.  6 feet but you can make that 3 feet or whatever might work for you!  I barely feel safe in a grocery store, that follows extremely strict social distancing rules.  I can't even imagine going into school where rules can be relaxed.  (I'm not saying that will happen in my district but the guidelines said districts could do what was feasible even if it didn't meet recommendations.). This lady's response pretty much summed up my feelings for the day!

We need actual rules, regulations, and consequences based on science because what we are doing isn't working! 

And WEAR THE DAMN MASK FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷

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