Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Day 110~ Monday, Monday (for real this time)

Denali is all of us right now!  Wanting to go somewhere and not really having anywhere to go.  Sometimes you have to change up your view to keep quarantine entertaining.

I took Denali's advice, and changed up my location for afternoon tv viewing.  (side note- Superstore is pretty funny.)

As you know, I absolutely adore restaurants.  I love going out to eat.  Our favorite restaurants have become so much more than restaurants to us.  They've become an extension of our home, the staff an extension of our family.  These special places have helped us through really low times and helped us celebrate really great things and everything in between.  That being said, indoor dining isn't ok.  It needs to be rolled back.  We can see what has happened in other states.  (Of course, those states weren't really in a good position to open back up but still, indoor spread is a really huge issue.) Closing indoor dining will decimate the restaurant industry and I don't want that but I also realize we aren't getting back to anything close to normal if we continue to allow the virus to rage out of control.   I'm going to repeat this for the folks in the back, indoor dining is dangerous.  Thinking that we've beat the virus here in Massachusetts is dangerous.  Yes, we've done great work and we should be allowed to get out of our "bubble" but we can't be ignorant about that.  (Also, I do think the governor has done a pretty solid job throughout this crisis, but he always seems a bit behind- slow to close, slow on the mask order) A few restaurants that we frequent have already announced they will not be experimenting with indoor dining because it's too risky for their employees and for their customers.  Those are the places I will support 100% with takeout.  

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