Sunday, March 29, 2020

Checking in from Days 15

It's funny how quickly you can settle into a new routine.  I realized on Friday that I had gotten into a new "quarantine" schedule.   One of my favorite parts of the day is "social distancing recess" when JO and I head outside for some fresh air and exercise.  On Friday, we chose to go for a walk versus a run.  I wanted to be able to soak up everything instead of rushing past things on a run.  We found our way over to Prospect Hill Tower again.  I have to say, this place is becoming a favorite of mine (see Day 16.) I did a little research on the tower.  Some sources say this is where the first Grand Union Jack (the first American flag) was raised and that George Washington even came to the site to raise a flag.  That's where Union Square got its name.   If it wasn't for the quarantine, I don't think I would have found this great little spot!

I loved this note we saw on the sidewalk.

I was in a really great mood during our walk but then we got home and I felt sad about the whole situation.  It hits me in waves and I think that's ok.  The Bittes were very cute and they cheered me up!

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