Sunday, March 22, 2020

Day 10~ It Took a Quarantine for us to Explore Charlestown

Island Life continues to be treating me well.  While JO dealt with the grocery store, I spent some quality time fishing, bug collecting, digging, and earning money on my island.  Thank goodness for this game.

For our daily fitness we decided to go for a bike ride because with few cars on the road, riding down the main streets would be pretty stress free.  We thoroughly wiped down these bikes, wore gloves, and did not touch our face during the ride.

We biked through the North Point Park and headed over to the bridge to Charlestown.  Wow!  We've really been missing out.  It took a quarantine for us to make it to Charlestown and that's pretty sad.  And while I'm on it, if this was a regular Sunday there's no way we would have had time to go for a bike ride, but since every day is the same day (or so it feels that way) we are left with lots of time to enjoy the little things. 

I have to say, Charlestown is beautiful.  The shipyard area is really neat and the neighborhoods by the Bunker Hill Monument is quaint and oozes old world charm. 

I feel like when this is over, there needs to be a big public messaging campaign reminding people about the rules for biking, walking, and driving together.  We were able to cross most streets without a care in the world and ride on sidewalks when we wanted.  It's going to be anarchy when we all try to coexist again. 

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