Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Shut Down Day 4

Shut Down Day 4 started off ok.  After some pretty embarrassing shenanigans with the coffee pot which made me look like a completely helpless adult, we did manage to make coffee.  Our coffee mugs, which usually just look pretty in the cabinet, are getting quite the workout.

With coffee in hand, I "went out" to my bedroom coffee shop, complete with a coffee shop playlist from Alexa. 

For lunch, I enjoyed one of my "guilty pleasure" lunches of Stouffer's Mac and Cheese with broccoli (trust me, I'm a bit of an expert in frozen mac and cheese, the one with broccoli is way better.) I usually can't eat frozen meals for lunch because (well I really shouldn't be eating them ever) my teacher lunch is less than 30 minutes.  Frozen meals can take up to seven minutes to cook and that just doesn't work.  I even tossed in some kielbasa to take it from frozen to gourmet 😉

After lunch it all went down hill for me.  I decided to use my free time to plan our next great adventure.  That's when it hit me, traveling this summer is probably not goin to happen.  That hit me hard.  I've known this shutdown stuff was going to happen for a while but the enormity of things hit me all at once.  My identity is really built around being out and about in the city and it hit me that City Vicky is going to be dormant for quite a while.  I spent the rest of the day in kind of a low place although JO got me to pull myself together long enough to go for a run.  (We were very safe, crossed the street whenever there were people on the sidewalk, and the fresh air was very much needed.) 

I really, really miss our local bars and restaurants.  Carrots, cheese, spaghetti o's, and kielbasa are going to get old real fast.

Here are the important things I want to remember from today in the news and social media world.

We cannot forget, and cannot let our fellow voters forget, that he got rid of the pandemic response team.

When this is over, let's remember all of the amazing gestures that have happened, like Pelaton making their classes free for a month.  

I think this is a good way to sum up how people are feeling.

It did not come up suddenly.  We knew it was coming.  Don't forget that.

And of course, the Bitties are still as cute as ever!

I'm thankful to report that this morning I woke up in a better place.  I slept well, I took advantage of Pelaton's free access to take a yoga class, and made a video message to send to my students. 

Stay healthy!

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