Monday, March 16, 2020

Shut Down Day 3

Day 3 will be remembered as us vs. them day.  The "us" being the people who were practicing social distancing and acting responsibly.  The "them" were the young people going out for St. Patrick's Day, hanging out at dance halls, and doing other blatantly dangerous things.  While we waited for our government, at the state and national level, to shut things down, celebrities took to their social media to encourage their followers to be smart.  Think about this for a minute, Ariana Grande and Steph Curry showed more leadership on Instagram than our president did in the briefing room.

Around 6:00 pm, our governor did finally close all bars, restaurants and schools for three weeks.  My heart goes out to all of the small businesses impacted by this.  When this is over, I'm wondering how much our neighborhood will have changed.   A lot of local restaurants have started Venmo accounts.  Money raised will be split amongst the staff.  If you have a favorite place, consider donating some money to those people that have brought you so much joy, and yummy food, over the years. 

Day 3 also featured more games (I've played this one about six times already and I am still bad at it but I do like making the bunnies do stunts!)

 I also reacquainted myself with my oven.  Honestly, I don't know the last time I used the oven.  I occasionally use the stovetop and I do make a mean Greek salad, but roasting/baking something is pretty much not something I do anymore.

We also left this note for the postal employees and delivery workers who are keeping mail and supplies moving during this difficult time.  

We're also trying to stay informed, even if that means we have to listen to the liar in chief.  I pop up videoed this portion of today's press conference to make it clear for everyone what is going on.  Please make sure that you have plenty of supplies.  The things we are doing today, in terms of social distancing, probably should've happened last week, which means times are going to get worse before they get better.  Stay healthy!

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