Monday, March 30, 2020

Day 18~ Monday, Monday

Today was a rainy, gloomy day around here.  I did some school work, did a yoga session, did my arm weights (if I ever get to go on my dream hike again, I'll be ready), and went for a short walk with JO.  The walks are so funny because everyone has different ways of social distancing~ some opt for the bike lane step, some walk on the absolute edge of the sidewalk, some cross over.

In a shocking surprise, I found myself with extra time 🤯so I took some time to color, something I would never have to time to do.  JO got me this great coloring book for the city of Boston and I had gotten JO an excellent marker set for Christmas so I pulled them out and worked on the page for the Boston Symphony Orchestra.  I had a lot of fun working on this page and will definitely do a few more during this quarantine.

I was thinking a lot today about the feeling of dread that swept over our country back on March 12th.  I feel like this is when everything got really real.  Schools were closing, businesses were sending their employees home, and no one knew exactly what was about to happen.  The next few days brought one crisis after another and it just felt like this unimaginable wave was washing over the country.  I don't know why, but I think it's important to try to put that feeling into words, to explain it to people, to remember it for yourself.

Our neighborhood suffered the first casualty of the economic kind this week when our beloved Inman Oasis shared that they are not able to renew their lease and have closed.  It's really quite sad.

I think this tweet is pretty poignant and needs no further explanation.

And of course, the Fridge sums it up best

Finally, today was the day the My Pillow guy showed up at a press briefing.  Imagine if Obama had the My Pillow guy speak at a Corona Virus health briefing.  

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