Sunday, March 15, 2020

Shut Down Day 2

Things are getting bad, really quickly.  I'm hopeful today that the government will close things down, but I don't hold out hope.

Shut Down Day 2 featured us going for a run (we avoided any people that were out and about)

Played games (so glad I picked up Welcome to the Neighborhood at PAX)

Ate some hot dogs

Annoyed the cats

And toasted to all of our favorite restaurants that have had to close up shop.  This is going to be devastating for them and I really hope they are able to hang on because when this is over all we're going to do is support our local bars and restaurants.  Places like Parlor Sports and Puritan are the heartbeat of Inman Square, they never close during storms, but that's how bad it's gotten.  They are doing the right thing because no one should be outside unnecessarily.  It's sad that businesses have had to take matters into their own hands because state and federal governments are slacking.  Please don't take unnecessary risks.  Our survival depends on everyone doing their part.  

I've decided it's important to track and share some of the important developments.  We (the resistance) will all need to share these widely in November (our society forgets quickly.)  Our government has failed us (not a shocker) but this time it didn't make the rich richer or cheat in an election.  It's failing us because it's killing us.  

A travel ban with no planning led to this disaster at least two of our airports last night.  These are travelers returning from Europe~ no social distancing, no precautions set up.  Our government created a Petri dish in Chicago and Dallas.  That's going to have major repercussions.  DO NOT FORGET!

Two weeks ago, the CDC told us we would experience major disruptions to our lifestyle.  They told us to get prepared.  Our president silenced them and called the virus a hoax.  Now the CDC is recommending at least eight weeks out of school.  It is vital that this guidance is followed.  At this point, schools should be considered non-essential.  All schools still open must close!

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