Friday, March 13, 2020

It's Like the Worst Snow Day Ever

Before I start, please, please, please do your part to Flatten the Curve.  If we're going to come out of this, we all need to do our part.  If your young and healthy, don't go out in groups, don't interact with vulnerable people, wash your hands frequently, and practice proper social distancing practicing.

Well, I'm officially out of work until March 30th.  Yesterday, when I walked my class out of the building, it hit me that when we all meet again everything will be different.  Last night JO and I went out to eat one last time in our neighborhood, before we hunker down for a while. 

We had dinner at City Girl, where we've spent so many snowy nights enjoying our neighborhood.  It wasn't celebratory (it didn't help that City Girl is closing for good soon.) It was more a chance to be somewhere special to us, with our neighborhood.  We're fully stocked up with frozen and canned foods, beer and wine, and a new coffee pot is on the way. 

The Bitties are ready!

When we said our goodbyes to the owner of City Girl, we ended with our new salutation~ "Stay healthy."

After dinner, we tuned in to a Facebook Live show put on by Kris Delmhorst.  She had to cancel her concert at Passim but wanted to play some music for her fans.  I'm thinking a lot of musicians will be doing this, so if you're looking for some entertainment during these crazy times, check out Facebook Live and Concert Window.

My district isn't doing distance learning, so I've just found myself with at least 14 days of free time.  First goal- catch up on my blog!

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