Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Shut Down Day 5

On Day 5, I decided to put on jeans (this lasted for about 10 minutes before I switched back to sweatpants)  and makeup (highly recommend this for a sense of normalcy.)

We applauded these three (from our living room) for practicing good social distancing:

We grew some dungeon petz (I killed most of mine and lost miserably, but that's ok)

Enjoyed the Dropkick Murphy's Livestream (what an amazing thing to do!)

and consulted our two column chart to make coffee:

Tweet of the day:

I miss my neighborhood so much.  Yesterday was the first day we didn't go outside at all and it was tough.  It's tough thinking about the plans we had for ourselves and how those plans are going to get delayed.  I know that sounds a bit selfish but I think we're all allowed to be a bit selfish right now (with the exception of going out, don't go out.) We were thinking of potentially getting a new place, with a little more space or renovating our kitchen.  We wanted to travel this summer, that's going to be tough to pull off now.  I ordered two dresses today, but they will probably hang in my closet for a really long time.  And then I think about my students.  I wish I had hugged them goodbye on Thursday, but at that point it wasn't safe to do so.  I wish I could have told them a proper goodbye and sent them home with more books to keep them busy with.  I wish I had snuck some supplies into their backpacks but I didn't think of it. I wish I had brought a few more of my teaching supplies home but I didn't think about it.  I wish I had visited my dad one more time before it got to dangerous to do so. 

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