Sunday, May 3, 2020

Wants vs. Needs

I really feel the need to get this out.  I think everyone really needs to stop and think about the idea of wants vs. needs.  The hairdresser, the nail technician, the tattoo artist, they need to go back to work.  They need help and their government isn't really up to the task.  The people brandishing shotguns at governors' homes all over this country do not need to get a haircut, a manicure, a massage, or go to the beach.  They want to do those things.  I get it.  My grays are coming in something awful and my hair that's growing in since it all fell out last year is completely out of control.  My feet are gross and it's almost flip flop weather.  I want to drink a beer on a patio and to be able to go back to the ballet.  But I don't really need any of those things.  I want them and because of that I know that I'm not going to be any worse off for not having access to them.  I didn't show up at the NCAA president's house with a pitchfork after he cancelled March Madness.  I really thought we might be brought together as a country because of this.  Remember those beautiful images of Italians coming out on their balconies and singing together, I thought that could be us.  Instead, we have a whole bunch of people that can't think about the "us" before the "me" and that's just plain sad.  

If you are someone who's wearing a mask, staying inside, and doing your part, thank you.  If you aren't, what's driving that choice.  Is it a want or a need?  Are you really unable to think about how your actions impact others, or do just not care?

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