Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Day 26~ Seeing the City with New Eyes

Day 26 was another sunny, warm spring day.  I spent the day working on a project for school and playing with the kittens!  Our neighbor had no idea Rainier was watching him for over an hour.  I was quite jealous of this guy and his makeshift roof office.  It was a really beautiful day to be outside.

Speaking of the kittens, I think they hacked our Amazon 😜

My original plan for our "gym" class was to drive near the Longfellow Bridge and then run through Beacon Hill but JO had a ton of work to do so we got a late start.  Normally in the quarantine this wouldn't be a problem, but we actually had "virtual" plans with friends later that night.  As a result, we switched it up and drove into Harvard Square so we could run by the river.  Normally a change of plans like this would've annoyed me but now with all this extra time I know I can just do my original plan another day soon.

Our route took us down by the river and into Allston, past Our Fathers and the Harvard football stadium, and back into the Square.  There are a lot of freedoms as a pedestrian right now.  I can pretty much run anywhere I want~ sidewalks, streets, bike lanes, without worrying about cars.  No need to wait for walk signs or red lights when crossing intersections.  When this is all over, I think it's going to be really tough for drivers, pedestrians, and bike riders to coexist together again.  We've all gotten used to not following the rules.

 Along a side street in Harvard Square I found this carving (JO and I spent a bunch of time last night trying to figure out what to call it~ gargoyle, sculpture, frieze, statue.) I've spent countless amounts of time walking around Harvard Square, even dating back to when I lived in the suburbs.  In all of that time, I have never seen this.  

I love that this time has allowed me to see the city with new eyes.

After our run, we watched a bit of the Dinty Child's livestream from Passim before playing Vegas Showdown "virtually" with friends.  It was no nice to catch up with friends.  It's strange to think that it's been 26 days since I interacted with anyone in person.

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