Monday, April 13, 2020

Day 31- Sunday Funday (Kind of)

I no longer have the Sunday blues.  That's a lovely thing.  It really is.  I will miss that when the quarantine is over.   My work life has slowed way down, but JO's has gone way up.  He's in the middle of a big project and he's working a lot lately.

Thankfully, JO had  some free time on Sunday and we were able to go for a walk around our neighborhood.  I love seeing signs of spring~ like this cherry blossom.

We found this awesome Flamingo Tree on a side street near us.  I can say with 100% certainty that if it wasn't for the quarantine, we would never have seen this tree.  I'm really glad we saw it.  I agree 100% with these flamingos. 

I also took some time on Sunday to "take" a music class.  Aurora Birch was doing a livestream for Club Passim.  I was lucky enough to go to one Aurora Birch show at Club Passim before she moved out of Boston.  I left the show haunted by her amazing lyrics and enchanting music.  I love that the quarantine has allowed me to see amazing musicians from all over the country. 

I also did another one of these coloring pages from the Historic Boston coloring book JO got me for Christmas.  I picked the swan boats since this week would normally be the opening weekend for the boats.  The swan boats, and the Boston Public Gardens, is one of my most favorite places in the city. 

And then for no particular reason I opened my closet and started at all of my clothes.  It seemed like the right thing to do!

Loved tonight's Fridge

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