Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Random Musings from Day 33

Sometimes I am amazing that I've made it 33 days without city living and haven't had a big breakdown about it.  I've fallen into a routine, discovered some great streaming tv shows, watching some live music, used my Kindle like never before, and had the chance to explore new ways of teaching.  I miss my city, I miss my city life, trips to the ballet, visits to favorite restaurants, museums, theater, live music, all of it.  I really, really do.  But I think I kind of needed this "break" from how fast paced everything has been and how bumpy the last year has been. 

Besides working, day 33 found me scouring Etsy and other online shops for washable face masks.  It's pretty evident at this point that we're all going to need to wear face coverings for a while.  We have disposable ones, but I'd like washable ones, that have a little personality, without going overboard.  Gosh, right now, you can go down quite the rabbit hole looking at all the masks.  I spent a considerable amount of time on Etsy before discovering the selections were a lot better on Zazzle.  I ordered two gray masks to test out.  (And just to balance things off I took advantage of Kate Spade's sale to buy a matching wallet for my new purse I "quarantined purchased" last month.)

I finally rocked the "Stalk Market" on Animal Crossing! 

We ran another 5K and had our best time yet!  It was perfect running weather- low 50s, a slight breeze, and just enough sun to make you excited to be outside.  We ran the Parlor Run Club route.  Monday was supposed to be a Parlor Run.  I think back to the last run we had.  It was the Monday before the world shut down.  People still weren't sure about social distancing, did it really mean you couldn't high five anymore?  I had started doing the elbow bump but I was pretty much the only one.  We put the April run in the calendar without much thought.  Of course we would have Parlor Run.  How quickly everything changed.  (I kind of feel like when things do "open" back up occupancy in restaurants will be limited.  I can't imagine Parlor Sports not being crowded.)

After our run we helped my dad with an issue with his tv by using the magic of a video call on the Echo.  My dad was super impressed.  He told me he was going out to get milk and that he would follow all the rules.  I never thought I would be scared for my dad running an errand like getting milk.  I offered to get it, but he insisted he could handle it.  I never thought I would feel guilty about not running out to get milk for my dad.

The kittens were extra snuggly yesterday.

I thought this tweet was a pretty accurate description and worth the share.

As was this letter from Pelosi to the house of reps.

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