Thursday, April 16, 2020

Day 34~ What Day is it?

If I didn't have weekly Google Meets with my class and with my grade level team I probably wouldn't know what day it is anymore. 

I've really been trying hard to stay fit and active during this time.  We did a big hike in February that I did some training for, mostly arm weights to help me with the scrambling part at the top of Angel's Landing.  I've made sure to keep up with the weights and I just added in an ab video to the mix.  JO joined me for the videos yesterday.  I love that our kitchen is big enough to be a "at home gym."

I'm pretty proud of my fossil room I added to my Animal Crossing house!

I checked out the Rose Polenzani show via the Club Passim livestream.  Rose is the founder of the Sub Rosa song writing group.  We've discovered so many amazing local acts from the annual Sub Rosa show at Passim.  Rose rarely does solo shows so this was a real treat.  Sadly, she mentioned that the song writing retreat was cancelled this year.  I hope (if they are able to) that they still have their annual show next year.

Denali found a cozy place for a nap while I started binging Ozark on Netflix.  Wow, what a show.  I love the hints of humor woven into such a dramatic show. 

And of course, our president went on his nightly tirade.

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