Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Day 32~ We Finally Broke Down and Watched Tiger King

Day 32 was a windy, wet one.  At times the winds hit 50+ mph around here.  We were lucky to not lose power.  I took the gross weather as a sign to get some work done, take a yoga class, do an ab workout video (I really hope I can keep up this fitness lifestyle when I go back to work), binge a few episodes of Little Fires Everywhere (so, so good), and read.  Seriously, if that didn't make for a full quarantine day, JO and I watched four episodes of Tiger King.  We finally succumbed to this show.  I'm not really sure what we were watching!

While we were binging the craziness, our twitter in chief was having a full blown meltdown on live tv.  He says crazy, scary stuff all the time, but last night he said he has "total authority" which I think is particularly scary.  This isn't funny, ha ha stuff here.  This is "I'm the king" authoritarian ruler envy at it's finest.  We all should be worried about this and we should all take this seriously.  He knows he's doing a bad job, he knows his poll numbers are tanking, and he's desperate.  Particularly horrible is the fact that he told a reporter "we are going to write some papers about this." 

To end on a positive note.  Bruce Springsteen is doing a livestream on Wednesday night.  Don't miss it!

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