Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Day 39~ A Trip to the Grocery Store Calls for a Cocktail

After a kind of down day on Sunday, I was determined to be more positive on Monday.  Since I've been enjoying trying new things, before I went to bed on Sunday I asked Alexa for a recipe for one of my favorite cocktails, the Southside.  JO was going to the grocery store on Monday so he could pick up mint and limes.  With a focus for the day, I felt like Monday would be a good one.

JO got up early to go to Market Basket but had to bail because the lines were crazy long.  He tried again later in the day but it was still too long of a wait, so he went to Star Market.  When he got home it was obvious the trip had taken a toll on him.  Grocery shopping is now actually scary and dangerous and frustrating because they are out of a lot of things (where is the chicken???) JO was shopping for us and for my dad and a lot of stuff was gone, including my mint 🙁 Since a lot of items were missing, I offered to head out to try to a different store, so off I went.  (I would never have gone out just for mint, but there were a lot of things missing and I really wanted mint.)

I went to the big Whole Foods in Cambridge and took my spot on the red line, to wait safely before being let in.  (Let me add to my above observations, grocery shopping is surreal now too.) If you are a grown up adult this shouldn't be hard, stand on the red lines. Don't float in between them, don't creep up on the person in front of you.  Plant your feet on the red line and wait patiently!  Thankfully

I was able to get most of the missing items, including the mint 😄 which allowed JO to make lasagna and me to make a Southside for us.

I used this recipe and it was super easy and the results were delicious.  I'm quickly become quite the at home cocktail maker!

And now in "Sad About America," can we take a minute to talk about Georgia?  I guess their governor prescribes to the theory that money is power so money is more important than peoples' lives. 

And finally, wear the mask!!!

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