Friday, April 24, 2020

Day 42~ Take Two Tide Pods and Sit in a Tanning Bed

Day 42 was a bit of a slow day.  After a great Google Meet with my class (side note- teaching in a Google Meet is really strange but I think it's forcing kids to develop patience, listening skills, and an appreciation for showing their work on paper so I think there are some positive things that will come out of this) I went for a run with JO.  It was a beautiful day for a run and we went through the streets between Cambridgeport and Harvard Square.  We found some beautiful houses that we've never seen before.  That being said, I think we will need to start shifting our runs to nighttime to avoid people.  There aren't a ton of people out but there enough to make it problematic.  I can't run with a mask on and I don't want to contribute to the problem.  Plus, cases are skyrocketing in Cambridge and I don't want us to take any unnecessary risks. 

After the run I did my school work, watched some more Ozark (my goodness, what a show), read my book, and tried to figure out something fun for us to do that night.  I couldn't think of anything good, but JO recommended we have a Game-o-Palooza and I had fun making the score sheet for the event.  We played three games to see who the champion was.  It was a fun way to pass the night.  I can't believe I pulled out the victory!

But of course, the highlight, or lowlight, of Day 42 was our president suggesting we ingest disinfectant and get light into our body as possible treatments/cures for the virus.  🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦
JO and I don't watch the briefings anymore but for some reason, last night, JO thought we should tune in for a few minutes.  We tuned in right at the exact moment that this was unfolding and we were both just flabbergasted.  This was really, actually happening.  I posted about it on Facebook and several friends didn't believe me.  I mean, I can't believe this actually happened and I watched it live!  We can no longer call ourselves the leader of the free world because the world is laughing at us.  (And today, he tried to take it all back by saying he was being sarcastic towards a reporter.  No you weren't!  No, you are actually that stupid or that manipulative or that empty!)  I rounded up the best posts from Twitter.

On a really great note, one of my favorite Huskies, Naphesa Collier is doing a book club!  I can't wait for this!  You should join!

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