Sunday, April 26, 2020

Day 45~ I'm Losing Faith in Humanity

Saturday was forecast to be sunny, spring day with temps in the high 50s or low 60s.  Last week was rainy, and the upcoming week is supposed to be rainy so JO and I, along with everyone else, wanted to take advantage of the sunshine.

I have no problem with people wanting to enjoy the weather.  We all deserve to soak up some sunshine and breath in fresh, spring air.  But, we need to do it responsibly.  We are all part of the solution and I was shocked with what we saw.  JO and I drove into Boston and took advantage of the "no charge" meters to park our car in the Seaport so we could go on a run. 

We brought our masks with us and planned on running with them on, even though that isn't fun at all.  I had been feeling guilty about the last run we went on when we didn't wear the masks.  I felt like a loser and like I wasn't doing my part.  If I want other people to wear masks, I need to expect the same of myself, at all times. 

JO and I ran from the Seaport into South Boston, to a nice park that had ocean views.  The run was great but I was so disappointed by what I saw.  I estimate only 30% of the people we encountered were wearing masks, and we didn't see much of any social distancing happening.  At one point, I got so frustrated that I pointed at my mask as an unmasked pedestrian passed us.  She gave me two middle fingers in return. 

Here's the thing.  I don't want to wear a mask.  You probably don't want to wear a mask.  I miss going to bars and restaurants and museums and the ballet.  You probably miss some or all of those things.  I wear the mask, practice social distancing, and stay home as much as possible because I want those things back.  You don't do those things but still want and expect for those things to come back.  It's that kind of attitude that's going to make this last longer.  I depend on you and you depend on me.  I'm doing my part, but I need you to do your part. 

Because of all the foolishness that we saw, our run didn't have the desired effect on me and I spent a bunch of time when we got home feeling grumpy.  Thankfully, I had the the best part of quarantine weeks to look forward to.   That would be "A Touch More" Instagram Live with Sue Bird and Megan Rapinoe!  And Saturday's episode featured the amazing Diana Taurasi!!!  (Here's a Youtube link)

Usually the show only lasts for an hour but last night's episode went on for at least three hours.  I actually had to stop because it was so late, but oh my goodness.  It was everything and more!  Sue and Diana are besties, going back to their UConn days and have played in four Olympics together with a fifth planned next summer.  As a die hard UConn fan, seeing these two reunited is amazing. 

I was in such a better mood after watching this!  Seriously, it's the best part of each week!

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