Sunday, April 19, 2020

Day 37~ On Saturdays we get Take Out

It was April 18th, day 37 of the quarantine, and it snowed!  We get the message Mother Nature!

I've been really trying to take advantage of this time to work on apartment projects that have piled up over time.  Yesterday, I tackled my pants drawer only to discover that I own the same pair of pants in six different colors 😱The things you discover during quarantine 😉

I've been trying to make sure I read more.  It's gotten hard for me to read at home.  I tend to only read in coffee shops or Harvard Yard.  I'm trying to get back into the habit of reading at home.  I started reading The Watergate Girl by Jill Wines Bank and you should too.  I got hooked on the Watergate thing from listening to Slow Burn and this is a great way to get immersed in that world again, while hearing a great story of female empowerment.

For dinner, we decided to do take out again.  We selected The Grotto this week because it's one of our favorite restaurants in the city.  The Grotto is a small, intimate subterranean restaurant in Beacon Hill.  The food is delicious, the wines pair perfectly and it's always a dinner to remember.  The Grotto is a bit pricey, but the food is totally worth it.  I was really excited to buy a couple of their half priced wines with our meals, but it didn't show up as option (even though it showed on their website) which was a bit disappointing.  There also wasn't an option to order the chocolate truffles dessert from their sister restaurant, The Marliave, even though those were advertised as well.  I felt kind of bad not getting dressed up to eat this meal.  Usually, The Grotto would call for a little bit of dressing up, nothing crazy, but definitely not a sweatpants and sweatshirt type of place.  I decided to at least use a fancy wine glass as my water glass, to class things up!  The ricotta pasta with sausage and prosciutto was to die for.  The short rib gnocchi, which I normally adore, was a little lackluster.  Still, it was way better than anything I would put together so I'm going to call the whole experience a win.

While we ate, we enjoyed another hour long video from Cirque du Soleil.  I highly recommend these!

And how beautiful was the sky last night!

After dinner, we watched a fun documentary on Palm Springs architecture (I miss Palm Springs- that feels like a year ago)

and followed that up with watching Sue and Megan's weekly IG Live, which has become one of my favorite parts of the quarantine.

And of course, we witnessed our twitter in chief incite "liberation" rallies across the country, which is just downright dangerous and pathetic.

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